Tag Archive | Spider-Man

Wingin’ it to E3

[audio https://archive.org/download/WinginItToE3/Wingin%27%20it%20to%20E3.mp3]

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This week the guys throw out the old formula and tell stories of yard sale adventures, mispronounce Ikea furniture, watch a tomato dance, Jake got pissed about a dog, hate on G4, discuss what we think will happen at E3, conclude that Valve is bad with threes, a Spider-Man car, all it takes is real Pikmin, argue about the Mortal Kombat X trailer, the great art in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers for the SNES, and Nate scares everyone.  Music by Dan-O at DanoSongs.com. Featuring Jake, AJ, Jimm, and Nate.

Review: “The Amazing Spider-Man 2”

A few weeks ago, Nate and I were hanging out eating burritos, discussing movies coming out this summer we were excited for with the girl behind the counter. She brought up “The Amazing Spider-Man 2,” we did not. You see, for me, “The Amazing Spider-Man 2” fell into the same problem the last one had, it’s coming out in a summer with more anticipated movies than itself. The first was overshadowed by “The Avengers” and the “The Dark Knight Rises,” while this one has “Captain America: The Winter Soldier,” “X-Men:Days of Future Past” and “Guardians of the Galaxy” to compete with and those are just the other comic based films coming. I did want to see this one, I just wasn’t excited for it. WARNING: SPOILERS FOR “THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN 2” FOLLOW IMMEDIATELY. Read More…

Live Action Spider-Man Part 5: Webb

And like that, we’ve finally made it to the current Spider-Man. So, let’s see what this Brit can do as we head in to part five, the final and late part of “Live Action Spider-Men.” Read More…

Live Action Spider-Men Part 4: Raimi

So far, we’ve just dealt with television portrayals of Spider-Man, not counting the movies made up of tv episodes of course. But now though, we deleve into a true cinematic adaptation of Spider-Man. So, let’s go see what the man behind Evil Dead can do with the wall crawler in part four of “Live Action Spider-Men.” Read More…

Live Action Spider-Men Part 3: Japan

Yes, a thousand times yes. Let’s see another country’s take on Spider-Man in part 3 of “Live Action Spider-Men.” CHANGE LEOPARDON!” Read More…

Live Action Spider-Men Part 1: The Electric Company

“Oh, Spider-Man. Where did you come from, Spider-Man? Nobody knows who you are!”

They especially didn’t in his first live action appearance from the mid-seventies on a television program called The Electric Company. And those quoted lines above are from the theme to “Spidey Super Stories,” where our hero faces many “challenges.”So, sit on the top of a chair and join me as we begin our week long journey through the wall crawler’s various live action adaptations with part 1 of “Live Action Spider-Men.”
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