Review: The Monkey King The Legend Begins (Wii)

I’ve learned that while reviewing a game you should mainly focus on wither the game is fun or not and not just what’s bad about the game, I’ve ran into a problem with that style while writing the review for The Monkey King The Legend Begins. The Monkey King The Legend Begins is just bad overall and that’s the only reason I think it isn’t fun.

You’ll be flying through Ancient China as the Monkey King. Deadly forces have invaded the kingdom, you and your friend must protect the land .You’ll have to fly on your magical cloud and take on waves of enemies fulfill your destiny as the Chuka Taisen. This story has been used many times and I feel like it has just been used to death.

The gameplay here could have been something great but it’s pledge with flaws, I mean how hard is it to make a arcade shoot em up? Your character moves way to slow at first, you must collect power ups to become faster and stronger, the only problem with that is once you get a few power ups you seem unstoppable, you’ll have attacks that cover the whole screen which makes the game way to easy. Throughout your short journey you’ll only hear one piece of music, it won’t be remixed or changed at all.

The Monkey King The Legend Begins could have been a good game if it was given to a company that can make shoot em ups but it’s obvious that no care or love went into this. The gameplay is dull and the music gets old fast. There isn’t any depth to the game either, my first play through was over in 15-20 minutes. I feel like I’ve only been bashing . The Monkey King The Legend Begins so I’ll give it this, the characters are cute at least.

new 1 star



Game Information

Publisher: UFO Interactive
Developer: Starfish
Release Date: (NA) May 27, 2008
Platform: Nintendo Wii



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